The Sanskrit word “yoga” means union – union of the environment, the senses, body, mind and soul. This union is described in an ancient text known as the Yoga Sutra, written by the sage Patanjali who explains that yoga is the progressive settling down of the mind in the field of pure silence, which is usually overshadowed by the activity of the mind.
Yoga is for everybody
Yoga as practiced by Sheila Murray
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga integrated 5,000 year old Vedic wisdom and the yogic interpretations of Drs Chopra and Simon. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a consciousness based hatha yoga program infused with teachings from Dr Chopra’s classic bestseller “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”. Hatha Yoga is the study of the asanas or posture based on Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga.
The Yoga I teach offers a balanced approach that can be taken more deeply or gently, depending on the needs of the individual. We guide the students to experience body-centered restful awareness, which in turn helps each student to find the perfect way to do the posture.
5.30pm- 6.30pm
6.45pm- 7.45pm
Call Farfield House in Keighley, Yorkshire and book your Yoga session.